Legacy Cares

At The Legacy Retirement Group our esteemed founder, whose journey began in the familiar streets and neighborhoods many of us call home, possesses a fervent passion for nurturing and cultivating local progress. Having been born and raised here, his commitment to our community runs deep, evidenced by ongoing initiatives and philanthropic endeavors that aim to enhance the lives of all residents.

Junior Achievement

At Junior Achievement, we believe in “possible.” Each day, we work to help young people discover what’s possible in their lives. We do this by helping them connect what they learn in school with life outside the classroom. We let them know it’s possible to invest in their future, to gain a better understanding of how the world works, and to pursue their dreams. We show them that it’s possible for tomorrow to be a better day.

Best Buddies

Best Buddies International is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to establishing a global volunteer movement that creates opportunities for one-to-one friendships, integrated employment, leadership development, and inclusive living for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD).

Landmark Foundation

The Landmark Foundation’s Homeownership Initiative provides quality, affordable housing to individuals and families in need of an affordable mortgage. The foundation rehabilitates homes in northeast Florida to like-new conditions by partnering with local companies and community volunteers. We provide homeownership education and ongoing support to the buyers as they begin their journey of homeownership.

Folds of Honor

It began with Lt. Col. Dan Rooney’s flight home from his second tour of duty in Iraq in 2006. An F-16 fighter pilot in the Oklahoma Air National Guard, he became painfully aware of the realities families face when a loved one in uniform has fallen or is disabled.

As his flight landed, the pilot announced they carried the remains of Corporal Brock Bucklin on board. Lt. Col. Rooney watched as Corporal Bucklin’s twin brother walked somberly alongside the flag-covered casket to meet his family on the tarmac. Among them was the deceased corporal’s young son, Jacob.

Since that night, Lt. Col. Rooney has committed his life to rallying patriotic Americans and meeting sacrifice with hope through Folds of Honor. Since 2007, we’ve provided life-changing scholarships to the spouses and children of America’s fallen or disabled military. And now, our mission expands to the families of America’s first responders. On our watch, those who protect our freedoms and our families will know they are not forgotten.

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